Họ | Family name:
Tên đệm | Middle name(s):
Tên | First name:
Tên thường gọi | Preferred name:
Ngày sinh (ngày/tháng/năm) | Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY):
Nơi sinh | Place of birth:
Quốc tịch | Nationality:
Địa chỉ thường trú | Permanent home address:
Số hộ chiếu (nếu có) | Passport Number (if any):
Ngày hết hạn | Date of expiration:
Quan hệ với Học sinh | Relationship to child:
Họ và tên | Full name:
Ngày sinh | Date of birth:
Số hộ chiếu/Số CCCD | Passport/identity card number:
Nghề nghiệp | Occupation/profession:
Đơn vị công tác | Company name:
Địa chỉ thường trú | Permanent address:
Số điện thoại | Mobile phone:
Địa chỉ email | Email address:
Ngôn ngữ chính | Home language(s):
Ngôn ngữ thứ hai | Other languages: Phụ huynh 2/Người giám hộ hợp pháp 2
Nghề nghiệp | Occupation/Profession:
Ngôn ngữ thứ hai | Other languages:
AcademicActingDanceVisual ArtsMusicAthletic
Please attach two years of your child’s most recent academic transcripts. (PDF, maximum size 2mb)
Please attach one teacher recommendation from your current school. (PDF, maximum size 2mb)
Please attach one principal recommendation from your current school. (PDF, maximum size 2mb)
All essays must be handwritten on lined paper in English by the applicant. Please scan your essays for submission. Responses must be between 100 and 150 words. (PDF, maximum size 2mb)
Select one prompt from each of the following groups
If you could meet one person at any point in history, who would it be?
What is one thing about the world that you would like to change?
What aspect of the future excites you the most?
What does being Vietnamese mean to you?
What is the best part about living in Ho Chi Minh City?
What is the biggest challenge you have overcome?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Tell us about a mistake you made. What happened and what did you do afterwards?
Is there anything else you would like us to know about that you have not mentioned on your application?